Privacy Policy

COMMITMENT TO PRIVACY Privacy is of high Importance to The Yiros Shop. We are required to comply with the Federal Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles, and therefore our privacy policy applies to any personal information we collect, use or disclose, including the personal information of our employees and contractors. This Privacy Policy governs how we collect and use your personal information obtained through your use of the Website and the Services, and your interactions with The Yiros Shop. By continuing to use the Website and/or the Services, you hereby consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. HOW AND WHY WE COLLECT PERSONAL INFORMATION We collect personal information to provide various services to our clients. With consent, we may also use personal information for related purposes including providing clients with updates on our products and services. The personal information we collect may contain any information that pertains to your name, age, email address, phone number, website information (“cookies”), IP Address, web browser, device information, records of correspondence, photographs, customer feedback information in relation to our services which may include times, date, purchases and locations of your tenure. We request and collect personal information only for necessity to uphold the proper function of our website and services. We collect personal info: 1.From Website Users – where information is requested during the registration process. 2.From Website Users – where an inquiry is made via email or phone. 3.From Website Users – with the user of browser cookies or trackers. 4.From App Users – where information is requested during the registration process. 5.From App Users – where an inquiry is made via The Yiros Shop App 6.In situations where information is not directly solicited by you and is deemed reasonably necessary for the proper functionality of website or services. When Information provides no more reasonable necessity, we will destroy and/or de-identify as soon as practicably possible. The kind of personal information collected is dependent on a case-by-case basis that accounts for the individual (e.g., customer or supplier), and the nature of each interaction. We take no responsibility for the collection of information and/or privacy practices of any other websites that may be linked to from this Website from time-to-time. HOW WE USE AND DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATION We do not use or disclose personal information for any purpose that is unrelated to the services we provide and that you would not reasonably expect (except with client consent). We have a duty to maintain the confidentiality of our clients’ affairs, including personal information. Our duty of confidentiality to our clients applies, except where disclosure of personal information is consented to by the client or is compelled by law. These purposes including but not limited to: 1.To uphold all standard operating procedures of the website and/or services. 2.To respond to feedback and complaints. 3.For development of new services or products. 4.To enforce our terms of Service (link); 5.For direct marketing purposes (see below information); and 6.To track and understand customer trends to for any of the above reasons. Client personal information may be disclosed to approved third parties who are also required to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles DIRECT MARKETING By deciding to continue use our services you acknowledge that your Personal Information will be used to offer you new services and products as well as new updates to our existing Service(s). You hereby consent to all marking communications, unless opting out by updating your user information via our website (See Link) or by contacting The Yiros Shop at We will always give you the ability and opportunity to opt-out of all marketing communications. In all cases we will only contact you by email, SMS, In-App notifications, or mail for any direct marketing communications unless optedout otherwise. COOKIES While using our website we may use “cookies; this technology stores data on your device in conjunction with your web-browser. We use cookies because it allows us to increase core functionality of our website, like finding out if a device has visited our website before. You have the right and ability to at any point to prevent the use of cookies, but in doing this our website may not work as intended. Information stored by cookies will only be used to identify you. We will use this information to operate efficiently and perform modelling patterns of visitor traffic to our website. While placing advertisements to our website, third parties may place their own cookie on your browser. These cookies are not subject to our privacy policy but is subject to their own respective policies. SECURITY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION We endeavour to protect any personal information that we hold from misuse and/or loss, and to protect it from unauthorised access, modification and/or disclosure. We will take reasonable steps to see that your Personal Information collected and stored is accurate, up-to-date, and complete. In the scenario where there is control, transfer of a sale, merger, consolidation, change substantial assets, reorganisation, or liquidation of us then, in our sole discretion, we may transfer, sell, or assign Personal Information collected to one or more relevant third parties. CONTACT US If you want to gain access to your personal information, correct or update your personal details, register a complaint about a breach of your privacy, or you have any other query relating to our privacy policy, please contact us at